Popsicle Blue ~ I go Sky High

*^*^*when the skies are popsicle blue…

¶Popsicle Blue¶



The inspiration for this blog post is for us to enliven beautiful childhood memories………the sights, the smells, the colors, the sounds, the tastes, the people, places, and things that take us into that world where our steps were innocent and when wonder was in the forefront of everything.


ΞThe Magic of childhoodΞ

Rejuvenating those happy timeless childhood memories help us to slow down, to take it easy, to rekindle a feeling most of us desire to hold as a keepsake in our current lives.

The magical world we naturally entertained in our youth can be revived and incorporated within activities and perspectives we engage in now ~ swirling in our awareness, warming our heart, as it softens daily life and helps attune us to a fresh new relaxed way of moving and being about.


♥Where the heart goes…

Certain childhood memories stir a heat heart sun feeling ~ a wash of peace, of Awe, that all is well, and that we are completely taken care of.



⇑Popsicle Blue⇓

Remember laying on the green grass when a child and looking up to the sky and opening up to that immense space of infinite sky. The wonder of it all. That Sky High feeling. Practically everyday we look at the sky ~ but do we really? Let’s experience it again with those fresh eyes, with that sense of all is possible. with a knowing we are taken care of.

When the skies turn a certain blue, I am taken back to my days of youth. That world dances before me and a blessed over lighting echoes each memory. It’s a specific blue, it speaks magic, wonder, and a sense of reverence. I have likened it and called it popsicle blue. Willingly I intermingle into its captivating spell.

Nothing to do but laugh and have fun ~ remember! Popsicle blue reminds me this can be true even now. It’s a feeling we can bring into our responsibilities while offering ourselves a ease and flow. Have you ever noticed when you relax, laugh and are light hearted with a eagerness to “play” that new insights, ideas, solutions organically come into your awareness? This attunes us to a universal divine flow that we are opening up to so that we will be guided in our daily walk. We let go of mind jabber. We can uncomplicate ourselves and move away from what we have habitually fallen into that ushers an unnatural state. We can be Popsicle Blue now.

Blessed is the child and the child like ~ the innocent of heart, as they know a natural system of ease and Grace.



⊆A Return To Childhood⊇

Close your eyes, quiet the mind, let everything go for a while….and recollect those tender childhood recalls that bring a smile across your face and in your heart. Reminisce and see what comes up ~  holidays and family gatherings, what were you like ~ what brought you immense joy?, what was your room like? ~  what did play represent for you? ~ what was a day like? Take it all in, cherish the memories that glow in your heart! Hold those feelings close to you! Experience the allure of childhood all over again!

May the wonderment of childhood fill our lives once again! 

Create your own poem the enlivens the sights and sounds of your youth! Bring those endless days and cherished memories to life! Then share it. I would love to hear it!


¶Popsicle Blue¶


When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

memories recall

freedom days of youth

board games

cup cakes and pizza

a signature fondue

running free

climbing a tree

my world at ease

a cotton candy spell

  the light casts a sweet flavor

how Blessed our Creator

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

catching the raindrops

swirly lollypops

Band on the Run

McCartney and Wings on the radio

nothing to owe

tator tot rainbows

summer heat and a wishbone

big bird the puppet show

 the boat rows itself

 the knower known

for all was shown

neighborhood friends

we gather and play

in the front yard

hide n’ seek

the streets

kick ball

until dusk we stay

play to play


Mom calls us away

time to come in

the dinner table is dressed

we eat as a family

thankful and blessed

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

school in the morning

get a good nights rest


imagination so fruitful

no need to rest

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

morning sky a sparkling river

God’s hand tossing out glitter

cereal boxes, pop tarts

the way to start

rise to shine

the world is mine

popsicle blue

childhood in rhythm

nothing to do

pages just turn

born again anew

seasons blossom

good times

not forgotten

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

snow cones in Summer

candy canes in Winter

whether swimming or sledding

it was all for all winning

the pets that we had

the house I grew up in

the back deck

a woodsy hot pink

 surrounded by tall majestic trees

BBQs, July 4th, a wonderous breeze

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High


I am there

the observer

offering a prayer

all I see is infinity

no barriers between you and me

all goes on for miles

no limits

no birthplace, only carefree

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

memories fall

the unexpected magic of it all

flowers in spring

dogwood pink blooms

like a carnival

and a swing

so much room

when the skies

are popsicle blue

no time exists

it is just is

with a chocolate kiss

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

Elvis and sideburns

my Dad did it too

long flowing hair

my Mom had it too

home and youth

comfort and Grace

when all was in place

when the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

walks around the block

when there was no

tick of the clock

Popsicle Blue

you color my heart

a child of innocence

 all becomes wide open

no differences

all in synthesis

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

the sound of the ice cream truck

in melody rolling on in

hearing that sound

we would rush

the excitement of it

Good Humor

the prize in my hands

the taste upon my lips

don’t worry

I will remember to brush

whatever it takes to do it again

Oh, that feeling

popsicle blue

the sky reminds me

it could be renewed

popsicle blue

when miracles are visible

everything so mystical



smooth rowing

giggles, fun, pure, being silly

because we understood

the true meaning of living

a child

no agenda

just breathing

and giving

in a Eden

alive and speaking

When the skies

are popsicle blue

I go Sky High

I am going back


popsicle blue

wanna join me too?

popsicle blue

where the heart lives

drenched in youth


⊕Blessings of  Popsicle Blue!===========

^^℘May everyday be Popsicle Blue℘^^

ΞMay childlike innocence and wonder be in every step and every breath we take…

Blessings of living in the light of our true innocence!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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